

Following are a lot of incredible testimonies regarding the triple-swelling calcium bentonite clay we now sell at For a much larger sampling of testimonies, go to

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 Flu Gone in 25 Minutes

One day, I came down with the flu.  As I sat there with the chills and cold sweats, I almost reached for medication but quickly thought of my clay.  I coated my chest and shoulders once again with the clay, and within 15 minutes, I immediately noticed I was recovering from the flu.  After 25 minutes, I was completely back to my normal self.  That was truly my absolute full-on belief in the miraculous qualities of the this clay.  From that point on, I began ordering it on a regular basis and began buying it as gifts for family and friends.  Of course, with anything new it was met with skepticism.  However, I always included the book, Calcium Bentonite Clay, Nature’s Pathway to Healing  by, Perry A~, to go along with it.  I would simply show them the many ailments that the clay would cure and/or provide relief:  from helping with Autism, burns and scars, anxiety and restless sleep, not to mention what a wonder it is on the skin!

As someone who knows the pharmaceutical industry very well, I am so incredibly grateful to have found an alternative, holistic approach to dealing with so many different conditions that we as people endure everyday:  Calcium Bentonite Clay.  I am just one of many who can claim first hand, this is the real deal!  I stand behind it 100%.  Oh, did I mention?  I have PTSD.  It helps with that as well.  I also work with the military.  Guess who’s going to be getting some Bentonite Clay as gifts this year!”  Sincerely, Rizer W.

Bone Infection (Digital Mucous Cyst)

Long story short, doctor warned of bone infection and gangrene happening for digital mucoid cyst on my toe. He wanted to do surgery immediately to remove the cyst and scrape the bone. I said, “No way!” instead wrapped toe in thick clay and gauze 24/7. It’s been amazing to watch the healing process. After a week it’s almost all healed. No infection, no surgery. All natural healing thanks to Clay!!! –Dawn M.


Shoulder Injury & Much More

About ten years ago, I started using this triple swelling clay for a shoulder injury.  A little skeptical, with a why not try it attitude, I started using it all over my shoulder, even in the arm pit, and then eventually up my neck and face and eventually all over my entire body.  The first time I used it on the shoulder, I could tell a difference in my range of motion and it made me excited as I could hopefully get out of pain and back to work soon.  But, it’s so much more than that, I’m using it in my work as a massage therapist with a full body wrap, followed by a salt scrub in the steam room and let me tell you, your skin (largest organ in the body) is decadently silky and invigorating.

My dental cleanings are much easier using just a dab with your toothpaste.  I have a sensitive tooth and occasionally it hurts so I pack clay around the tooth at night for one or two nights and it takes care of it.

I keep it in my beach bag and gave some to a woman who had a large spider bite on her thigh.  She had tried Benadryl and a steroid creme; I had her glob it on and 30 minutes later she couldn’t believe how much the swelling had gone down.

Even sipping the clay, it feels as though you are pouring an ancient medicine into your body to do what it needs to do.  Drinking the clay, curbs my sugar cravings which automatically boosts the immune system.  Aside from cleaning your gut or as a result, it gives me clarity, more energy and better skin.

The pulling properties of this clay are simply amazing! – Kimberly M.

 Liver, Colon, and Tape Worms

In March 2012 I went to my doctor not feeling well. He got the results of my blood work and sent me to the hospital for further testing. In the hospital they ran more blood work, x-rays, ultra sounds, MRI, scans and colonoscopies. They told me I had tested positive for Echinococcus, a large tapeworm in my liver, (I was #11 in Canada to ever have this) and they had pictures of it, 4 cysts in my liver, the small one was 7 1/2 inches and the large one was 10 inches. I had anemia and had a blocked colon, the images from my colon also had unexplained images of tiny horse shoes that were highly reflective and I was hyperthyroid.

The Dr’s plan was to hospitalize me and address the parasite in my liver first with high doses of antibiotics and vitamin K for my liver then to get special medication to be able to biopsy my liver to figure out how to treat the parasite. Two weeks of IV and then they had to transfer me to a larger center with a liver specialist 5 hours away.

The antibiotic treatment now completed, a friend got me the clay and I started to drink it without telling the Dr’s while in the hospital.  I worked my way up to drinking 1 cup of the mixture 3 times a day. After two weeks of drinking the clay in the hospital they had acquired the special pills I had to take. The pills would coat my system with a film so that if eggs escaped from the parasite into my body I would not die from anaphylactic shock. They took me for a scan to see the location of the parasite and the cysts on the liver. All the cysts on the liver were gone and only a bit of scar tissue the size of the finger nail on your pinky finger remained. The parasite was no longer there either. They concluded the blood test and pictures for the parasite were now incorrect and could not explain how the liver healed itself that quickly. They biopsied the liver and the test results came back negative for a parasite and negative for infection.

I was allowed home after 30 days and then the Dr’s wanted to do bowel surgery. It was explained I would lose a large section of my colon and possible have to wear a bag. I was reluctant at the time and wished to continue my clay of 1 cup at 8 a.m., 1 cup at 2 p.m. and 1 cup at 9 p.m. My mixture was 1/4 Cup of clay to 2 cups of water and shake well. I was still a bit hyperthyroid and my anemia was 50% better and still on no medication. Dr’s still think I am a miracle and have no idea I am on the clay so they let me go home and I am told that the bowel will need surgery.

I continued from April 2012 to Aug 2012 (4 months) to faithfully drink 1 cup of clay 3 times per day. Also I put a half inch poultice on my belly at night with saran wrap and slept with it on. My belly had a rash that outlined the damaged intestine. In August I felt a sharp pain in my guts and I know it was my spleen it had been angry for some time and the pain came from the area were the rash had been. I spent 45 minutes in the bathroom with a bowel movement that was the size of a baseball, sorry to be graphic but it is etched in my memory.

It is now August and I head to the hospital and they do my 6th colonoscopy and more scans. Dr’s tell me that my intestine has opened and my spleen has fallen into the intestine. I am hospitalized waiting for emergency surgery. I am told I will lose my spleen and I may go septic.

Again I was on no medication and only on the clay. Three days later they did the surgery and open my abdominal up 9 inches and remove 8 inches of intestine. I woke up surrounded by 5 Dr’s all wanting to know what I had done to change my intestinal health. One asked, “How did you change your intestines from a 70 year old to a 20 year old in 4 short months?” No more colitis, ulcers, diverticulitis, polyp’s  etc.;  it was a miracle. It is then I told them about the clay.

The surgeon says it definitely is Crohn’s disease and it has that look she has seen hundreds of times. We waited for the test results to come back and it is negative for Crohn’s. I spent one week in the hospital healing from abdominal surgery. They said that was record time as well. I put a poultice on the staples in my stomach and slept at night with saran wrap over it. The Dr took my staples out in 9 days and he said it looked 4 weeks post operation and there was rust on the staples.

To this day I continue to drink the clay but only 5 oz 3 times a day. Truly a life saver and a blessing. It is amazing when used properly.

I find people do not stay on it long enough nor do they take large enough doses. One of the biggest mistakes is they stir it instead of shaking it. At the first sign of a bit of discomfort they stop using it. I get asked a lot if the clay just sits in your colon…..well I tell ya after 6 colonoscopies in 4 months if the Dr’s saw clay I would have known about it, instead they saw unexplainable healing. – Marg L.

Cirrhosis of the Liver and Hepatitis –C

I was contacted by a woman named Wendy that said her 60 year old clean living husband had been diagnosed with Hep C and Sclerosis of the liver. He only had 5 percent of his liver left. The Dr told him to go home and put his affairs together because he had 6 months to live. He lives 2 hours away and had heard my story. I sent him my treatment regimen of building up from 3 ounces of liquid clay 3 times a day to 1 cup clay 3 times a day and made him wear a poultice over his liver every night and take a clay bath every day. He did this for 3 months and he felt so much better. The Dr wanted to make him quit the clay because his liver enzymes count was going through the roof. He listened to his body and kept drinking the clay. By 6 months 30 percent of his liver grew back, he was no longer yellow, his urination problem gone, white blood cell count good, back to work full time. After one year he is Hep C negative and happy –Marg L.

Full Lymphatic Body Cleansing

I’m a naturopath’s apprentice and after sharing that experience of unclogging my lymphatic system with the clay mask, with my mentor, we decided to try another experiment, this time to see if we could do something easily with the lymph of the entire body. I combined 1/4c bentonite clay with 1c Epsom Salts and sprinkled it into bath water (combining the two keeps it from clumping.) I stayed in the water for about 25 minutes but didn’t soak my shoulders or submerge my head. My mentor used something called the photon sound beam on me. To use this device, you rub it across the skin, and it moves the lymph. It has a noticeable drag in spaces where there’s lymphatic congestion. Usually, people have about 10-15 congested areas on the body. This time, we found only 3 areas on me and two of them were in areas that weren’t submerged. Now we have really increased recommending bentonite clay to our clients as an easy, affordable, and incredibly effective way to clear the lymph, remove toxins, and recover from radiation exposure.  -Maura

Clay Bath Detox – Free of Metals

I’m a little excited, I got my hair analysis back and I am toxin free. I have NO toxins; No lead, mercury, aluminum, cadmium and so on. Here is a plug for clay, not that it needs it, but it does work. I was so excited that I want to tell everyone that it does work. I don’t know when I started and was not faithful. But still the only thing I attribute it to is the clay. I ate the clay both ways, liquid and hydrated. I also took baths quite often in clay; love how it relaxes me and helps me sleep. I did brush my teeth with it too and still do some but not always. As to how often I will tell you I was on and off all the time. It was not an every day thing mostly because it had to be right in front of me to remember it. LOL. … The results of the toxin free was bonus knowledge for me. And the only thing I can attribute it to is the clay as I did nothing else to clear up toxins. And by the way my pH was great too. I also was not lacking in enzymes. I too must tell you that I am delving into RIGHT eating . I am 90% raw food and 10% cooked food eater. So I am sure these things added to my results except for the toxin-free result. ~Jean

Mercury Toxicity, Yeast and Parasites

Hey all, I started using clay in March of ’08 mainly because I have been “sick” for about 7 years and no real reason could be found, and as I was researching I discovered all sorts of nasty things like mercury toxicity, yeast and parasites. I must say the clay has given me back my energy, my zest for life and oh yeah I have lost some weight. I also noticed that I don’t have to dye my hair as much and not nearly as grey so I would recommend this clay for every one. Spider veins in my legs are diminishing and the huge varicose one down the back of my leg is getting smaller so….. drink up, it is all good!!! –Patsy K.

Chemical Sensitivities

After one month, my skin feels luxurious and looks better than it has in at least a decade. My inflammation has calmed. My allergic rashes from food and environment have been reduced by at least 50%. My sinuses are clear and I’m breathing easily despite my allergy season kicking into high gear. And most importantly, I don’t ache every minute of every day. Yes, I’m still experiencing some autoimmune discomfort but I do feel better overall and I intend to keep on using the clay. I’ve suggested it to several friends and family members and they’ve all enjoyed it. – Carol B.

Constant Diarrhea Stopped in 4 Days

I have a testimony to tell you about living clay; my sister Jacque Carter first told me about the clay, so I bought a large container. This past June I began to have diarrhea and it wouldn’t go away. It lasted a little more than two months. I felt awful, like I had a stomach bug. I ended up getting very dehydrated, so I went to the doctor and did bloodwork, and stool samples…they couldn’t find the problem, so that’s when I decided to start taking the clay every day, 3-4 oz. of liquid clay, 3x a day. That’s when I started noticing I wasn’t going to the bathroom as much, and I could actually get some nutrients from the food I was eating. It took about four days, and I can tell you my diarrhea was gone! No more stomach pains, or nausea, or cramps. I feel like I’ve been completely healed from whatever it was! Thank goodness I learned about the clay. I’m taking it once a day now, just for maintenance.
Thank you for your good work to tell people about this wonderful natural substance!
-Karis L.

Horrendous Sore Throat

I was visiting friends in San Francisco and had brought along a gift of the clay for the family. On the third morning, I awoke with the most horrendous razored throat I’d had since college. I could barely swallow and couldn’t eat. Usually, I would take echinacea and gargle with peroxide for about 5 days and, if caught in time, the cold (or flu) would stay in check. Unfortunately, I didn’t have these with me and my host didn’t have them either. What they did have was the clay! I borrowed a tablespoon back, swirled it into a glass of warm water then gargled. Even before I spit out the first round, the pain was gone … from misery to pain-free within seconds! I gargled a few more times then proceeded to have breakfast and a very fun rest of my vacation. – Claudia C.

Clay Stopped Medication Nausea, Helps, Sleep and Anxiety

I am a former Pharmaceutical Representative, I am fully aware of how pharmaceutical companies operate, and the negative side effects that accompany any drug consumed by an individual. As for myself, I have always looked for an all natural and holistic approach to healing and health. I came across this clay back around 2008 after being diagnosed with Epilepsy in 2006. I was medicated with anti-epileptic medication that was so toxic, I felt sick all the time. I began to look for something to help with the nausea which I felt all day long for over a year. I battled with my Neurologist stating “I would rather have a seizure than continue these medications.”

When I discovered this calcium bentonite clay, I read through Perry A’s book just like I would with any Clinical Study or Clinical Trial as I did when I was a Pharmaceutical Rep. I tried to pick and tear it apart to find some lie or deceit. However, I couldn’t find any. I took the chance and ordered both the powder and clay. Much to my surprise, coating my chest and shoulders with the clay took away the nausea within 15-20 minutes at most. I also suffer from Insomnia and Anxiety. Following the book’s instructions, I began taking baths with the powder mixed with the water. Without delay, I immediately began sleeping without the need of sleep medications. As for my anxiety, I also noticed a radical change in my mood for the better. I found myself much more calm and relaxed throughout the day, which many of my friends would note. –Riser W.

You can order Perry A~’s excellent book, Calcium Bentonite Clay:Nature’s Pathway to Healing, here –

A Triple Swelling Calcium Bentonite Clay from Perry A~ is now in our Web store

16 oz pouch    $19
32 oz pouch    $35
