
Welcome to Humbleweed, the place to find many tools to improve and/or restore your health. The name Humbleweed was the name of my first herbal business 25+ years ago and I have decided to revive it after many years of being a full time activist. My passion has always been to help people discover that healthy living doesn’t have to be expensive since the ‘weeds’ used for both healing and food grow all around us. However, sharing with people this truth doesn’t change the fact that our lives are busier than ever, and most people revert to their former lifestyles for comfort from the stress they are feeling.

My life has been devoted to teaching people how to live in harmony with nature and natural law.   I have devoted my life ever since to exposing the dangers of toxic allopathic treatment methods and their over-prescribed drugs – especially their mandated liability-free drugs and their unforeseen consequences. Thankfully, nature has provided many remedies to help alleviate people’s suffering from these toxic ‘cures’. But first people need to understand how wonderfully their bodies are made, the purpose of each organ system in the body, what to do when symptoms suggest that a thorough ‘house cleaning’ is in order, and even what a healing crisis is and what to do if you experience one.

One amazing product that we offer is the highest quality Essiac Tea on the market today. While there are several competing ‘brands’ of Essiac Tea, other companies neglect to make up the tea exactly as Rene Caisse, the creator of Essiac Tea, did for her clinic in Bracebridge, Ontario, Canada where she helped thousands of cancer patients recover AFTER they had lost hope since there were no more allopathic treatments available to help them.  We have spent many years and thousands of hours accumulating documentation on the accurate history of Essiac Tea, and after growing the herbs for our own needs and sharing this information with others, we realized there was a demand for a high-quality Essiac Tea that was professionally packaged with brewing instructions. So our growing operations have expanded to keep up with the need for Essiac Tea that contains the whole sheep sorrel plant, including the roots, as Rene Caisse specified. [See Essiac link on the top of this page]

There are a few other products we carry to further help people being diagnosed with some form of cancer who do not want the current cut, burn and poison treatments currently covered by their ‘health’ insurance. On the top row of this page are tabs for products we currently carry. On the 2nd row below is our shop page followed by Articles, Recipes, Resources, Ingri’s Blog and Testimonials. There is also a contact tab for you to address your questions, suggestions or concerns to me. While we welcome your questions and concern, please understand that we are not able to give medical advice.

If you ever have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. There is also a contact tab for you to address your questions, suggestions or concerns to me.

Your health and well being, as our country and planet go through tremendous changes, is now my number one priority. While it may appear that Armageddon may soon be upon us, the reality is this: a mass awakening occurring with free energy, honest currencies and a world without war right around the corner. And, yes, tools to clean up the pollution and radioactivity on our planet are a part of the process.

Feeling a sense of purpose for your life and being positive about our collective futures is of vital importance to your health and well being. This website can be a tool to help you through the changes.

But what does one do in the meantime? Are there real solutions to the toxic burdens our bodies are carrying? The answer is “yes!” and this website was developed to help steer you in the right direction.

As this website develops, I will add content and blog more frequently. If you would like to receive an uplifting message, recipes and health tips, you are invited to sign up to receive my blog when it gets posted.

This website and my blog is dedicated to freeing humanity from the medical trap. I look forward to hearing your stories as we go through the journey together.

May your path be filled with laughter, joy and continuing synchronicities!

In the Spirit of Health,

Ingri Cassel